Award: Utilizing Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with Parent Agency Data and Statistical Agency to Inform Programs and Policies (NCSES/NSF) (PPRL2)

Award Date: 09/28/2023
Project Title: Utilizing Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with Parent Agency Data and Statistical Agency to Inform Programs and Policies (NCSES/NSF)
Project Performer: NORC at the University of Chicago
Project Partner: Datavant
Award Amount: $748,869.00
Objective: The project objectives are:
1) Develop a data sharing agreement between a federal statistical agency and its parent agency.
2) Utilize privacy preserving record linkage methods to connect SED and PI data for awarded proposals in a secure server environment (e.g., a trusted third party managed by NCSES). This linkage would serve as an example of utilizing PPRL for data sharing and linking which will guide future interagency initiatives.
3) To demonstrate the ability to analyze linked data in a secure server environment. Once the linkage occurs the data will be analyzed to address key research questions and support the NSF learning agenda and other internal NSF stakeholder questions.
Period of Performance: September 2023 – September 2025
Point of contact: Edward Mulrow | NORC at the University of Chicago |

Request for Solutions (Closed)

Overview Release Date Submission Date Documents
The Government is interested in a research demonstration project for the National Secure Data Service (NSDS) to utilize a privacy protecting record linkage tool to link two disparate sources, create an analytic dataset that can be used to answer questions that could not be answered with either source alone, and develop a data sharing agreement between a federal statistical agency and its parent agency. 06/21/2023 07/12/2023