Award: Development of a Prototype for the Standard Application Process Portal (SAP)

Award Date: 02/17/2022
Project Title: Development of a Prototype for the Standard Application Process Portal
Project Performer: RTI International
Award Amount: $499,990.00
Objective: The objective of this project is to develop multiple prototypes of an online portal that allows users to search for confidential data held by federal statistical agencies, apply for access to that data, and allows data providers to review those applications and render a decision. This portal supports the implementation of Section 3583 of the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act of 2018. An online portal does currently exist with some of the functionality described in this project. A future portal would expand the current product to allow for expansion to non-statistical and state agencies in the future as well as additional functionality and higher workloads. The prototype portal would allow users to access a metadata catalog of federal statistical agency data assets. Users could apply for access to data by completing an application and submitting it to the relevant agencies. Data providers would be able to access these applications, review them, provide feedback when needed, and render a final decision.
Period of Performance: October 2022 – September 2024
Point of contact: Elizabeth Robbins | RTI International |

Award Date: 09/29/2023
Project Title: Development of a Prototype for the Standard Application Process Portal
Project Performer: Mathematica, Inc.
Award Amount: $183,660.00
Objective: The objective of this project is to develop multiple prototypes of an online portal that allows users to search for confidential data held by federal statistical agencies, apply for access to that data, and allows data providers to review those applications and render a decision. This portal supports the implementation of Section 3583 of the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act of 2018. An online portal does currently exist with some of the functionality described in this project. A future portal would expand the current product to allow for expansion to non-statistical and state agencies in the future as well as additional functionality and higher workloads. The prototype portal would allow users to access a metadata catalog of federal statistical agency data assets. Users could apply for access to data by completing an application and submitting it to the relevant agencies. Data providers would be able to access these applications, review them, provide feedback when needed, and render a final decision.
Period of Performance: September 2023 – September 2024
Point of contact: Christina Tuttle| Mathematica, Inc. |

Award Date: 09/28/2023
Project Title: Development of a Prototype for the Standard Application Process Portal
Project Performer: Scientific Research Corporation
Award Amount: $346,313.75
Objective: The objective of this project is to develop multiple prototypes of an online portal that allows users to search for confidential data held by federal statistical agencies, apply for access to that data, and allows data providers to review those applications and render a decision. This portal supports the implementation of Section 3583 of the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act of 2018. An online portal does currently exist with some of the functionality described in this project. A future portal would expand the current product to allow for expansion to non-statistical and state agencies in the future as well as additional functionality and higher workloads. The prototype portal would allow users to access a metadata catalog of federal statistical agency data assets. Users could apply for access to data by completing an application and submitting it to the relevant agencies. Data providers would be able to access these applications, review them, provide feedback when needed, and render a final decision.
Period of Performance: September 2023 – June 2024
Point of contact: Joseph Grochowski | Scientific Research Corporation |


Request for Solutions (Closed)

Overview Release Date Submission Date Documents
The Government is interested in developing multiple prototypes of an online portal that allows users to search for confidential data held by federal statistical agencies, apply for access to that data, and allows data providers to review those applications and render a decision. 06/20/2023 07/11/2023