Project Name:

Data Access Alternatives: Artificial Intelligence Supported Interfaces

Contractor: BrightQuery, Inc.

Lessons Learned

• Back-End Setup: The complex AI back-end setup required in-depth collaboration, but this has now been documented and streamlined for future installations.
• SDR Dataset Knowledge: The experience gained in analyzing and processing SDR data will improve efficiency in handling similar datasets moving forward.
• Agency Engagement: Early and sustained communication with external agencies is essential to avoid potential delays.

Disclaimer: America’s DataHub Consortium (ADC), a public-private partnership, implements research opportunities that support the strategic objectives of the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF). These results document research funded through ADC and is being shared to inform interested parties of ongoing activities and to encourage further discussion. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed above do not necessarily reflect the views of NCSES or NSF. Please send questions to