Award: Foreign Born Scientists and Engineers in the Workforce (FBSE)
Award Date: 02/22/2022
Project Title: A Network Scale-Up and Ad-Tech Approach Examining Workforce Participation and International Mobility in the FBSE Population
Project Performer: Accenture Federal Services LLC
Project Partners: University of Florida, Storm King Analytics, Influence Apps
Award Amount: $599,250.49
Objective: This project collected data from US Government departments and agencies to integrate the data into a single framework. It utilized a novel network-based approach referred to as network scale-up to conduct surveys and gather new data about foreign-born scientist and engineer subpopulations that do not fall within existing datasets, such as those without a doctorate or who enter the country with an existing degree.
Period of Performance: February 2022 – August 2023
Point of contact: Ian McCulloh | Accenture Federal Services LLC |
Award Date: 02/23/2022
Project Title: Creating a New Data Infrastructure for Foreign-Born Scientist and Engineers: Data, Analysis and Use
Project Performer: Coleridge Initiative
Project Partners: Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS), Heldrich Center for Workforce Development, Rutgers University; Arkansas Department for Transportation and Shared Services, Division of Information Systems- ARDATA
Award Amount: $1,000,000
Objective: This project aimed to establish the foundations of a national data infrastructure to address unanswered questions about foreign-born scientists and engineers (FBSE) in the U.S., beginning with estimating the economic return on investment on U.S. training of FBSEs. The project assessed the feasibility of constructing a linked data infrastructure. Administrative data from three states on educational enrollments and completions with detailed instructional program codes were linked to individual and firm level employment data, and a baseline return on investment was estimated.
Period of Performance: April 2022 – June 2023
Point of contact: Nathan Barrett | Coleridge Initiative |
Award Date: 02/17/2022
Project Title: Building an Evidence-Based Foundation to Understand Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers’ Participation in the US Workforce
Project Performer: NORC at the University of Chicago
Project Partners: Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)
Award Amount: $649,747
Objective: This project aimed to fill knowledge gaps surrounding foreign-born scientists and engineers (FBSE) who hold degrees or certifications other than doctorates. The project suggested possible models for future linkages and demonstrated the feasibility of acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating linked data files that bring together administrative records on federal STEM education programs with existing information.
Period of Performance: February 2022 – September 2024
Point of contact: Lisa Blumerman | NORC at the University of Chicago |
Award Date: 03/02/2022
Project Title: Opportunity #1 Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers and the U.S. Workforce
Project Performer: RTI International
Project Partner: Duke University
Award Amount: $649,998
Objective: This project uses probability entity resolution (i.e., record linkage) to match National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) responses to employer records to fill knowledge gaps on FBSE and the U.S. workforce.
Period of Performance: March 2022 – August 2025
Point of contact: Caren Arbeit | RTI International |
Award Date: 02/25/2022
Project Title: Clarivate and Steppingblocks Proposal to Request for Solutions (RFS) Foreign Born Scientists and Engineers and the U.S. Workforce FBSE-22
Project Performer: Clarivate
Project Partner: Steppingblocks
Award Amount: $600,000
Objective: This project developed a dataset including education background, career trajectories, and research contributions of a subset of foreign-born scientists and engineers (FBSEs) to learn more about this important segment of the U.S. research workforce.
Period of Performance: March 2022 – March 2023
Point of contacts: Mary Van Allen | Clarivate |
Anand Desai | Clarivate |