Award: Evaluation of Noise Infusion for Large-Scale Demographic Sample Survey (Survey of Doctorate Recipients) (SDRN)

Award Date: 09/27/2023
Project Number: SDRN-23-N02
Project Title: Evaluation of Noise Infusion for Large-Scale Demographic Sample Survey (Survey of Doctorate Recipients)
Project Performer: Knexus Research Corp.
Project Partners: Tumult Labs, Strategix
Award Amount: $798,962.00
Objective: This project seeks to evaluate noise infusion for a sample survey. It will investigate different methods for noise infusion to evaluate data quality with each method and explore public messaging surrounding noise infusion. The project will result in a noise-infused sample survey with documentation of methodology and data quality assessment.
Period of Performance: September 2023 – September 2025
Point of contact: Christine Task| Knexus Research Corp. |

Request for Solutions (Closed)

Overview Release Date Submission Date Documents
The Government would like to evaluate the use of noise infusion for a demographic survey as a possible privacy-preserving method in the use of federally confidential data. Investigations will focus on use cases where noise infusion may be appropriate and use cases where noise infusion may introduce quality issues that reduce confidence in the use of estimates for decision-making. 06/26/2023 07/17/2023