Award: Creation of Synthetic Data and Development and Use of Verification Metrics (Survey of Earned Doctorates) (SEDSyn)
Award Date: 10/24/2023
Project Title: Creation of Synthetic Data and Development and Use of Verification Metrics (Survey of Earned Doctorates)
Project Performer: The Urban Institute
Project Partners: RTI, RAND Corporation, Vassar College
Award Amount: $800,000.00
Objective:This project explores the creation of a synthetic data file, demonstrates examples of uses of synthetic data for evidence-building, and tests the use of verification metrics in validating estimates produced from synthetic data. NCSES’s Survey of Earned Doctorates, an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year, serves as the case study for this work. Lessons learned will inform future possibilities for creating synthetic data to support a tiered access model for the NSDS.
Period of Performance: October 2023 – November 2025
Point of contact: Claire Bowen | The Urban Institute |
Request for Solutions (Closed)
Overview | Release Date | Submission Date | Documents |
The Government is interested in a synthetic data file for public use to support a tiered access model, explore the use of synthetic data for evidence-building, and test the use of verification metrics in validating estimates produced from synthetic data. | 06/21/2023 | 07/12/2023 |