Award: Building Capacity for State, Local, and Territorial Governments to Use Administrative Data for Evidence-Building (ADEB-24)

Award Date: 8/20/2024
Project Title: Building Capacity for State, Local, and Territorial Governments to Use Administrative Data for Evidence-Building
Project Performer: BrightQuery, Inc.
Project Partners: HealthVerity, Inc., Wolfram Research, Inc., State Governments: California, Florida, Nebraska, Connecticut
Award Amount: $1,260,296.00
Objective: The objective of this project is to explore how a potential, future National Secure Data Service (NSDS) could support state, local, and or territorial capacity building through development of an interface and roadmap to enable repeatable state and local data analysis that may inform state and federal policies.
Period of Performance: August 2024 – February 2026
Point of contact: Jose Plehn | BrightQuery, Inc. |

Request for Solutions (closed)

RFS Release Date Submission Due Date Documents
5/9/2024 5/30/2024 3PM ET