Award: Data Access Alternatives: Artificial Intelligence Supported Interfaces (DAA)

Award Date: 8/20/2024
Project Title: Data Access Alternatives: Artificial Intelligence Supported Interfaces
Project Performer: BrightQuery, Inc.
Project Partners: Westat, Google, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL), MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, University of Chicago Data Science Institute
Award Amount: $1,411,547.00
Objective: The key objective of this effort is to create and test machine-learning-backed or “artificial intelligence” (AI)-backed user experiences with federal statistical data. This experience shall improve on the current state of user interactions based on obtaining answers to questions via search engines or emailing federal staff or contractors. This project seeks to develop and pilot an AI chat bot (or the like) that answers users text queries submitted via an interface. Answers should be obtained from public statistical data of federal statistical agencies in this project.
Period of Performance: August 2024 – August 2025
Point of contact: Jose Plehn | BrightQuery, Inc. |

Request for Solutions (closed)

RFS Release Date Submission Due Date Documents
4/19/2024 5/17/2024 3PM ET