Project Update Webinar – Capacity Building

When: September 26, 2024, 3:00 PM ET
Registration: Click Here
Projects Covered:
• Data Protection Toolkit Use Case Analysis
• Expanding Equitable Access to Restricted-Use Data through Federal Statistical Research Data Centers

Project Update Webinar – Privacy Preserving Technologies

When: October 29, 2024, 1:30 PM ET
Registration: Click Here
Projects Covered:
• Privacy Preserving Technologies Phase 1: Environmental Scan
• Utilizing Privacy Preserving Record Linkage to Link Data from Two Federal Statistical Agencies
• Utilizing Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with Parent Agency Data and Statistical Agency to Inform Programs and Policies


  • Idea Bank Workshop – March 26, 2024
    • This participatory workshop provided an overview of the Idea Bank submissions that we have received. Subject matter experts, members of the ADC and any interested person were welcome to participate in the breakout sessions. Possible future project opportunities were explored based on the following topics:
      • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Incorporating AI in data collection, access, linkage, and standards.
      • Data Standardization: Establishing Government-wide standardization of metadata, data schemas, and technical documentation.
      • Data Access: Overcoming challenges to data sharing to improve access.
  • America’s DataHub Consortium Networking Webinar – December 13, 2023 
    • On December 13th, 2023, a Networking Webinar was held for ADC members, Government, and other organizations interested in learning more about the ADC member capabilities that can be leveraged in future proposals. ADC teambuilding opportunities were also presented.
      As the federal sponsors for the ADC, Dr. May Aydin kicked off the webinar with a brief overview of how the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics within the National Science Foundation is utilizing the ADC to support initiatives within NCSES, NSF and across the federal data ecosystem. ATI also reviewed lessons learned from past solicitations and resources available to members to support teambuilding.
    • To view the presentation and watch the recording: Log in to the Members Only Site
  • 2022 FCSM Research & Policy Conference – October 25–27, 2022, Washington Convention Center, Washington D.C.
    • The FBSE project performers spoke as part of a panel discussion at this event. Learn More
  • govmates ATI Consortia Matchmaking in DC – October 10, 2022, Marriott Marquis – Liberty Salons MNOP (Convention Center) Washington, DC
    • This was for ATI Consortia Members only. Learn More
  • America’s DataHub Consortium Innovation Challenge – September 27, 2022, Gaylord National Convention Center and Hotel, National Harbor
  • Measuring Sexual Harassment in the Science Technology Education and Mathematics (STEM) Enterprise (RFS Identifier MSH-24) – July 12, 2024
  • Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing Data Quality, Standardization, and Integration for Federal Statistics (RFS Identifier AI-DQSI-24) and AI-Ready Data Products to Facilitate Discovery and Use (AI-RD-24) – July 1, 2024
  • Synthetic Data Generation with Large, Real-World Data (RFS Identifier DG-RWD-24) – June 24, 2024
  • Engaging Policy Stakeholders to Inform a Future National Secure Data Service (RFS Identifier EPS-24) – June 20, 2024
  • Data Integration to Estimate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Attrition and Workforce Supply A Pilot Approach (RFS Identifier STEM-24) – June 17, 2024
  • Building Capacity for State, Local, and Territorial Governments to Use Administrative Data for Evidence-Building (RFS Identifier ADEB-24) – May 13, 2024
  • Data Access Alternatives Artificial Intelligence Supported Interfaces (RFS Identifier DAA-24) – April 22, 2024
  • Informing Evidence-Building Capacity among State, Local, Territorial, and Tribal Governments within a National Secure Data Service (RFS Identifier IEBC-24) – February 15, 2024
  • Secure Compute Environment Testbed for a National Secure Data Service (RFS Identifier SCET-24) – February 12, 2024
  • Creating and Validating Synthetic Data (NCSES/Census, Annual Business Survey) (RFS Identifier ABSSyn) and Models for a Data Concierge Service for a National Secure Data Service (RFS Identifier DCS-23) – July 13, 2023
  • Creation of Synthetic Data and Development and Use of Verification Metrics (Survey of Earned Doctorates) RFS Identifier (SEDSyn-23), Utilizing Privacy Preserving Record Linkage to Link Data from Two Federal Statistical Agencies (NCSES/NCHS) (RFS Identifier PPRL1-23), Utilizing Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with Parent Agency Data and Statistical Agency to Inform Programs and Policies (NCSES/NSF) (RFS Identifier PPRL2-23) – June 26, 2023

To access the presentation slides and attendee lists from previous Speed Networking events, please log in to the Member Only Site.

  • Measuring Sexual Harassment in the Science Technology Education and Mathematics (STEM) Enterprise (RFS Identifier MSH-24) – July 15, 2024
  • Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing Data Quality, Standardization, and Integration for Federal Statistics (RFS Identifier AI-DQSI-24) and AI-Ready Data Products to Facilitate Discovery and Use (AI-RD-24) – July 2, 2024
  • Synthetic Data Generation with Large, Real-World Data (RFS Identifier DG-RWD-24) – June 25, 2024
  • Engaging Policy Stakeholders to Inform a Future National Secure Data Service (RFS Identifier EPS-24) – June 21, 2024
  • Data Integration to Estimate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Attrition and Workforce Supply A Pilot Approach (RFS Identifier STEM-24) – June 17, 2024
  • Building Capacity for State, Local, and Territorial Governments to Use Administrative Data for Evidence-Building (RFS Identifier ADEB-24) – May 14, 2024
  • Data Access Alternatives Artificial Intelligence Supported Interfaces (RFS Identifier DAA-24) – April 23, 2024
  • Informing Evidence-Building Capacity among State, Local, Territorial, and Tribal Governments within a National Secure Data Service (RFS Identifier IEBC-24) – February 16, 2024
  •  Secure Compute Environment Testbed for a National Secure Data Service (RFS Identifier SCET-24) – February 13, 2024